When you stay at Château Farhner Bed and Breakfast, check out all the activities in and around the Snoqualmie Valley! While Duvall isn’t exactly a destination location, there is still SO much to do around the Valley and in nearby communities.
Visit Downtown Duvall historic shops, restaurants, and coffee shops just minutes away. While downtown, explore McCormick Park, the Historic Railroad Depot, the Dougherty Farmstead, Duvall Farmers Market, and public art throughout the town.
Discover local festivals such as Duvall Days the first Saturday in June, Duvall’s Sandblast in July, Art In Bloom art fair in June, as well as Carnation‘s Fourth of July Celebration.
Local hikes include Cherry Creek Falls, Moss Lake and the Snoqualmie River Trail.

Our Snoqualmie Valley boasts several wineries such as Alveare Winery, William Grassie Wines, and King Lake Cellars. Also visit historic Carnation Farms, Remlinger Farms U-Pick and Amusement Park, and Snoqualmie Falls and Salish Lodge which are 14 miles away. Find river rafting, the Snoqualmie Valley Trail for biking or walking, and many nearby hikes and trails. Learn more about the Snoqualmie Valley at Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust and Savor Snoqualmie Valley.
In nearby communities, the Woodinville Wine District is 10 miles away; Redmond Town Center boasts convenient shopping and parks. Evergreen State Fairgrounds is in nearby Monroe. Stevens Pass Ski Area is 40 miles east. Seattle Center is west 20 miles and SeaTac airport is just 26 miles away.